
The 4 Entrepreneur TV Shows You Need to See

Cast of Planet of the Apps. Left to Right: Jessica Alba, Will. I. Am, Gwyneth Paltrow, Gary Vaynerchuk We've all seen Shark Tank but did you know there are other shows inspiring entrepreneurship? Well you don't have to lay in bed late at night with Mark Cuban's face imprinted in your mind anymore. Check these competitors out: Planet of the Apps I've talked about Gary V and his show Planet of the Apps before. PotA is an upbeat tech/app (hence the name) focused series that combines Sharktank, a 1 minute elevator pitch, and business savvy celebrities into a fun, intense, dogfight over investees. The one minute to share their idea is a great way they can sort out who's not gonna waste the investors' time. Another unique feature is after a celebrity picks them, the investee gets prepared by their mentor to go in front of 4 venture capitalists and make an improved version of their pitch to raise capital for their apps. While this is very stressful, ...

How to Compete Against the Big Four- and Win

Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook (I guess you could throw in Microsoft ). How do you compete against these companies? These are some of the most cutthroat companies out there. They will copy your idea faster than you can get your idea to production, let alone copyright. They know about your idea before you do. So how do you win? How do you beat the people that can have it put into their own market places before you blink? Here's a few strategies: 1. Speed Just like David beating Goliath you need to get your butt and your business moving. Get your product out as soon as possible. If it's an app, you need it in every marketplace and you need it now. Soon enough these Goliaths will have it made/developed/researched/designed before you put down your morning coffee. So be faster. Get it published. Get it recognized. Get it so you're big enough that you are getting offers from the big companies and they can't replicate it because your brand is associated with yo...

The Top 5 Cars Businessmen Love to Drive

Look we all know when you roll up to clients, you want to look like success. Here are 5 cars that take you from intern to director and make people take you seriously. 5. Maserati Quattroporte:   $105,600 At the higher end of our price range, the Quarttoporte is a unique, eye catching piece of art. With its 424hp V8, you can have some fun with it too . The backseat is roomy so taking clients to lunch in this thing is no problem. The only downside to this car is the price but for what you're getting its totally worth it. 4. Mercedes AMG CLA45 Coupe: $50,400 Isn't this thing sleek ? Make your employees jealous when you come to work in this beast. With a 0-60 at 3.8 seconds, this thing screams . The genius of this car is you can get away with it being professional enough but its also mean enough to turn heads, especially when you peel out. Downsides to this car are lack of room in the back (even in the 4 door) and if you're not used to it, it's too fa...

The Rich are Getting Richer and The Poor are Getting Poorer... Except that's not the case anymore

There is a narrative out there that the rich are always getting more at the poor's expense. And for thousands of years that has been very true- from Roman Senators to Russian Czars to Dictators to Popes to Kings etc. But now we move into the last 100 years in America, specifically. And despite 2 World Wars, tons of other worldwide epidemics, floods, wars, earthquakes and everything bad that has happened, we're still here.. And we are richer and more advanced in every way. We have the wealthiest country in the world. We have the best medical technology ever. We send cars to space. So why does this matter? Why should we care that we have the richest country on earth? Because some people want you to fail. They want you to think that when your idea doesn't work out, it's because of someone else. They want you to think that because you've but your blood, sweat, and tears into this business and it doesn't work out, the system is the problem and not you. T...

The Up and Coming Business Men and Women You Need to Look Out for in 2018

No! Mark Cuban is not in this article. Frankly he's about as up and coming as his Mavs ... But I do have some awesome newcomers that are making a splash. Gary Vaynerchuk This guy is an inspiration . He has one goal: own the New York Jets . Why anyone would want to own that dumpster fire? I don't know but that's his goal. His net worth weighs in at about 200 million dollars and he's in everything. He took his family's wine business from $3 million dollars to $60 million dollars. He has his own show on Apple Music called Planet of the Apps . Similar to Sharktank, people present their apps and the judges (including Jessica Alba, Gweneth Paltro, and Will.I.Am.) make investments in the apps/software. Gary's biggest success has been the advent of social media. Using Youtube , he created and enhanced his brand to him becoming one of the biggest Startup successes out there. Katrina Lake Gary is great, but Katrina is no slouch. Getting her company t...

Digital Currency- from Blockchain to Bitcoin

Everybody's heard about digital currency in the news lately, especially with the exponential rise in Bitcoin stock. Starting 2017 at around $1,000 and now trending at around $10,000- it's not hard to see why. But what is Bitcoin , blockchain , and cryptocurrency? And how can you cash in? Bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency or online currency that replaces the dollar, euro, or pound. This revolutionary technology allows for peer to peer, no middle-man, online transactions. Most people use it because of its security. You have your digital wallet and your password and no other institutional risks. So given that, people, especially in markets with more volatile governments, have been putting their currency in to Bitcoin and other digital currencies. The Bitcoin/digital currency craze has been very evident in every news story it seems lately. So why do people "invest" in Bitcoin if its a currency? Investors see Bitcoin as a way to put currency in (like the ...

What I do here at StartupNation

I posted last week but I forgot to give an intro to my blog! So here you go: Hey! My name is Josh and this is StartupNation. My idea for this blog is to create a business-centric tabloid for anyone who wants to be inspired and informed in the business world. I’ll be catering to business people, but hopefully it will be easy enough for anyone to follow. The world changes by the second. I want you to be inspired by the cool, innovative, new ways the business world is shaping our country and our lives every day. We all have different new ideas and my goal is for you the reader to be given information to be an informed consumer and producer in this new and exciting world. We are in a growing technology based world where information comes by the second and hopefully I can help keep you on the leading edge of it. Feel free to contact me if you would like to send me awesome ideas you've seen lately! I want to be your resource!

3 Business Ideas You Wish You Had Known About

At StartUp Nation, we know all of us are looking for a way to get rich and be happy. Usually the two are connected. Here are a few ways these companies are successfully making money in their own way. 1. Stitch Fix Stitch Fix is changing the online clothing industry. Typically online shoppers are already willing to slightly compromise on price if they get the convenience of staying at home. Stitch Fix takes that to a new level. They offer highly trained stylists to pick your clothes for you- based on your preferences you submit. Their clothes are stylish and they get their market. The way they make money is through a subscription based style where they send you your monthly, weekly, or bimonthly "fix". If you don't like 1 or all the items they send you (they send you 5 items, usually a couple shirts, a couple pairs of pants or shorts, and a pair of shoes), you can send them back and you don't get charged. 2. Steam Games Steam Games is a digital distr...