Digital Currency- from Blockchain to Bitcoin

Everybody's heard about digital currency in the news lately, especially with the exponential rise in Bitcoin stock. Starting 2017 at around $1,000 and now trending at around $10,000- it's not hard to see why. But what is Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency? And how can you cash in?

Bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency or online currency that replaces the dollar, euro, or pound. This revolutionary technology allows for peer to peer, no middle-man, online transactions. Most people use it because of its security. You have your digital wallet and your password and no other institutional risks. So given that, people, especially in markets with more volatile governments, have been putting their currency in to Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

The Bitcoin/digital currency craze has been very evident in every news story it seems lately.

So why do people "invest" in Bitcoin if its a currency? Investors see Bitcoin as a way to put currency in (like the dollar, for example) at a set price and hope that it goes up in value (as it has). With Bitcoin as the best example, people who started the year with putting $10,000 in to Bitcoin can now afford to buy a brand new Tesla Model S. Finding companies that accept the currency directly, however, is another story (although that number is growing about as fast as the price of Bitcoin).

So get yourself some Bitcoin and ride the rollercoaster. Or watch it with some popcorn but realize in our digital world where everything is connected, digital currency is the way to go. And while you're at it hit subscribe up top... Be bold


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